Short and controlled supply chain

From the bean to the packaged product: a short and controlled suppy chain, certified in every step of the production process

Raw material

  • Selections of seeds and care of cultivation

Molino Peila chooses the best seeds and take care of the whole cycle of the growing: from the method of cultivation, through monitoring on the field and accurate controls on harvesting, by building high quality relations with farmers.

  • Sampling and analysis of raw materials

Raw materials are anaysed through rigorous hygenic-sanitary checks in the internal laboratory and in several external accredited laboratories, in order to guarantee products free from mycotoxins and any other kind of contaminations.

Quality and certifications

Selezione delle sementi e cura della coltivazione

Campionamento e analisi

The production process

  • Drying, cleaning and stocking of raw materials

Raw materials that results suitable after quality control, are dried and cleaned through traditional industrial processes. In the meanwhile, modern sorters (optical sorting machinery) discard bad or imperfect grains.

  • Raw material processing

Raw materials are processed through production lines of the mill and turned into gluten and GMO free flours, semolinas, semi-finished products and ready-to-use mixes.

  • Packaging and Private label

The finished product is packaged according to multiple needs of food industry and retailers. The packaging range varies from the most spread paper and cellophane bag of smal size (500 g, 1 kg) to professional paper bag (5 - 10 - 25 kg), to 1 ton Big bag or bulk product delivered in silo truck.

The Private label service

Essiccazione, pulitura e stoccaggio

Lavorazione delle materie prime

Confezionamento e distribuzione

Retailers and supermarket

  • Distribution in Italy and all over the world

The products of Molino Peila, under its own brand or in private label, are distributed all over Italy and the world. Indeed Molino Peila exports to Europe, North and Sout- America, the Middle East and Australia.

Il Molino Peila nel mondo

Italian gluten-free,
distributed all over the world

We are the best partner for Italian and International food companies. For more information fill the contact form or call us to +39 0124 617134
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